
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

2 months old...

Lily is already two months! We have a doctor appointment this thursday and I will post her "stats." She is a big girl and we are guessing 12 lbs. But we will see. Lily is working on sleeping through the night and we had a record breaking 8 hour stretch between feedings (slept about 7 hrs). We are getting really close. Now if she can just push it a little longer AND keep it up. It seems like we will have one good night and the one not so good night...but I know she is working on it for us. Its amazing what sleep can do. It makes you feel like a whole new person. Looking forward to that first official sleep through the night! Fingers crossed its soon.

I have a few fun posts coming up...I still need to post new car pics and I have been working on a dinner calendar that I will post soon. I have appreciated the dinner recipes and feedback from the previous post about dinner. I am still open for more if anyone else wants to share? We are going to start the new dinner menu this week so I will share how it goes. Being a mom, working AND taking care of house stuff is a challenge but I am trying to find us a family routine. I am SO Thankful for Dan who is more help than any wife could ever ask for. Dont want his head to get too big...but seriously...he rocks :) Love you honey.

Here is a quick photo I took yesterday for her official 2 month pic!

More Soon...


Lily's Baby Book...

Just because...