
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Simple things...

Its funny how the simplest things can just melt your heart once you are a parent. Dan and I enjoy so much our weekend mornings watching and playing with Lily. She coos and smiles and just makes us happy. Even if we have a rough night she makes it very hard to be upset! ha ha. Hard to be mad at something so cute huh? Yesterday Dan and Lily were snuggling in the hammock in our backyard...It made me melt. For one its a sight I never thought I would see...Dan snuggling with a Baby? ha ha. But to see how happy it made him made it even better. I didnt have my camera on me but I snagged a quick iphone pic just to share the sweetness. Dont judge the pic! LOL

Love my sweeties...



Lily's 1st 4th of July