Dont. Just Dont. Did I say Don't? Ha Ha ha. Okay Lily wasnt THAT bad...I suppose. The way to Reno was definitely worse than the way back but I think Dan and I are part to blame. Let me back up here a bit...Last week (which is why you havent seen any posts) Dan, Lily and I flew to Reno to visit family and attend/throw my brother and sister in law's baby shower. It was a coed shower so I was excited that Dan was getting to go as well. We thought...hey there is two of us we can handle the flight right? Well...for those of you who dont know Dan and I are VERY good we have traveled so much. We know the system and we got it down. So throwing a kink...ummm I mean...Toddler in the mix was a little more stress than either of us where ready for. Even Mr. Patient himself was having a hard time. Lily just does not want to sit still. She is a busy bee afterall. So trying to "contain" her in our row (thank god we had an empty seat for her...or I am pretty sure we would have died! ha) was like telling a kitty to sit. Impossible. Which of course made us stressed...which I am sure did not help calm our little girl. I think we are going to wait until she is a wee bit older and can maybe enjoy watching a movie before we attempt the impossible again. Maybe we will be more calm? Ha ha. We obviously survived and Lily was a bit funny at times....such as my shy girl who usually glares at everyone was waving at the entire plane and thought the stewardess was the best. I have more to share about Reno but we just got back and we are all exhausted so I will leave this post as is and post more soon.
Here is a couple pics of Lily's 2nd plane ride (first one was when she was just a little baby and she SLEPT THE WHOLE FLIGHT! if only that was the case this time! ha)