
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Smith Girls Visit...

Last week we had a couple overnight visitors...Kylee & Avery.  Lily was in heaven! In fact...I should never admit it but having the three girls was almost easier than just Lily.  Granted its more time involved getting three kids fed and ready...BUT they did entertain each other while I cooked. Which was nice as normally Lily is whining and hanging on my leg and it makes it much harder.  I like the idea of having an instant 7 year old (Kylee). She was such a big helper and Lily is IN LOVE with her.  You can tell Kylee is a big sis as she was very careful and protective of Miss Lily.  I dont usually see Lily so snuggly with others especially other kids. But Kylee was her favorite!  Here are a couple of photos I snagged from the morning play time and snuggle time...


Snapshot Sunday, Sort Of...

Thursday Buzz with gma...