
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Uncle's & Aunt's

....Are the bestest! Its true right? They are the ones that get to spoil the kids and then give them back. I guess that goes for grandparents too. But I think Uncle's and Aunt's get to maybe break the rules a little more :) This could be good or bad! LOL. Uncle Jordan and Auntie Jenn came to visit Lily (oh and us..ha ha) on thursday. Lily made sure to give them lots of smiles and hang out with them. They were amazed at how big she was just from the last time they saw her. It goes fast! Just wait guys...We are crossing fingers we get another little cousin for Lily SOON! he he. We let them practice a bit while they were here. However they passed the Poopy diaper on to me...Dang it! That would have been really good practice! Here is a cute shot of Jenn and Lily hanging out...

They also brought Lily a perfect gift! Another book that is in the butterfly book series. Both Lily and I LOVE these books. I think she likes that they wiggle. Although now she prefers to try and eat them! Here is a pic of the newest additions...

Thanks guys for the perfect gift and for visiting! Hopefully we will see you at least one more time before Christmas! Wish we were all closer!



New Look...