
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 


One of the most depressing parts of being prego this time around is my aversion to coffee.  I dont know what the deal is but I can NOT drink it. It does not smell good, sound good NOTHING. Its literally killing me as I LOVE COFFEE. I have even tried. Two sips later and Im out. *Sigh.  Cant wait for it to pass. However today I got a little piece of happiness. I was upset seeing all the "Pumpkin Spice Lattes" are back. Cause I WANT ONE! But I know I wont drink it.  And then the light comes on. How about a Pumpkin Spice Chai Tea? Well why not. It was Delicious!  And I finally feel part of the fall love. Try it.

Snapshot Sunday

9 Years and Counting...