
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Gifts in the Mail=THE BEST

Who doesnt like getting mail?  Well...I take that back. Mail in pretty packages is okay. Mail in envelopes with BILL on them...not so much.  But GIFTS in the mail are AWESOME!  And make my day.  I realize this gift is not really for me its for Lily...but its all the same right?  These adorable outfits are from my mom AKA Lily's Grandma. SO CUTE!  The dress is perfect. And the onesie? Well...I think Lily needed to be wearing that little number yesterday! She was having a DAY. LOL.  Thanks Mom/Gma! Lily and I LOVE your gifts!!! She is a lucky little girl and happy her Gramma has WONDERFUL taste and thinks of her often!

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