
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Ballet Performance

Kid update has been requested. Ummm. I refrained myself from saying "What Kids" ha ha. Even though that was totally what I was thinking. Let see. Teething. Sick. No sleep. Whining. Teething. Coughing. Did I mention Teething. And Whining? Oh yes. Those Kids. I was trying to forget. Just another day at the Harlacher House. Lennox cut his first tooth. And is working on more. Its a joyful time. Its a good thing these things are cute. Just saying. So for a quick update...Today Lily had her first ballet performance at the Festival of Trees. Now...I may have secretly been having an episode of Dance Mom's playing in my head during the performance (Full disclaimer...I have never actually watched that show...Just seen the commercials). I survived. She survived. It was cute. Mostly. I was just thankful she went on stage and for the most part did what she was supposed to. Β Lily and her friends Esme and Ellerie are in a class with older girls but they seem to do okay with it.

Time out for me Lennox is screaming....THIS IS MY LIFE! So here are the pics....And more later: I HOPE> somebody SAVE ME!


Bathroom Redmodel

1st halloween