
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

30 Day Blog Challenge

Alright the guilt is now getting to me. I feel bad that I have not kept up on my blog. Even my husband has been harassing me. So....With that I am enforcing a 30 Day blog challenge. What is that? Well....For the next 30 days. From today until  Feb. 11th, I will post everyday. EVERYDAY. Fun right? I have a list of posts already started so I am determined to make this happen.  That should be the fun part...who wouldn't love reading a post everyday? But if that is not fun enough for you Ill sweeten the pot. I pledge to blog everyday. If I miss a post the first person who emails me that catches the miss I will send/buy a Starbucks coffee. Seriously! So its up to you guys to help hold me accountable and you may win some coffee. If you are local...I might enjoy the cup with you :)  So keep an eye on the blog for the next 30 days. Lets have some fun! ~Whitney

PS. In starting this challenge...I Tag/Challenge, Dave Hutt (aka Santa) to start the same challenge on his blog! www.davehuttblog.com


Black Arrow Studio (etsy shop)

Bathroom Redmodel