Summer Bliss
“25 Days of Summer Bliss!”
Summer is always crazy for us. Dan and I both work full time and of course the studio is always in full swing during the summer months which means weekends fill up super fast. I know that I need to purposely plan family time and fun activities before I blink and summer is over. In an effort to hold myself accountable and to ensure that my kids have a fun summer I created 25 Days of Summer Bliss. I sat with my kids a couple days ago and asked them what they wanted to do this summer and together we built a list that hopefully we should be able to accomplish. I figured with two months of summer (approx 60 days) 25 activities is a little under half. We can do it right? Some are bigger things and some are smaller and easier to make happen. I love that both Lily and Lennox contributed and thought this was an awesome idea.
My personal goal is to take out my camera and capture at least one photo of each day/event. I will post on instagram (follow @blissstudiopdx) and also use the hashtag #25daysofsummerbliss. I figured this will be a win/win for all. I will capture my kids having a blast this summer and maybe get some creative shots!
Want to play too? Feel free to use my list (or use it for ideas). Print it out and hang it on your fridge. Take a photo of your kids and also use the hashtag so we can hold each other accountable. Part of my accountability is posting here. I'm hoping my stalkers will be looking forward to seeing some of the posts. I will try and post some of the better days on the blog but I may not post them all (we will see). I will make sure they are on instagram though so please stalk there!
One thing to remember....As much as I think its important to take photos of our kids so we can remember each and every moment...Dont forget to also enjoy the moment. Find the balance. Take your photos but then put the camera down and really enjoy the activities with your kids. Be present.
So here goes nothing....My list and accountability starts now! These are in no particular order but will be accomplished as time allows. Keep your eye out for posts both here and on instagram. If anyone is excited about playing too let me know!