My little girl is 6 months...and after several weeks of trying I have finally completed her 6 month photo session. I must say photographing your own child is NO easy task. In fact its a PAIN! If I wasn't such a control freak I would have hired someone. Her One Year session I will have to do that. Just to show you how much FUN I is Lily's best faces for her momma.
Isn't she so sweet?
Don't worry I still got some adorable shots without her hating me :) But first lets see where Lily is at 6 Months...
-18.5 lbs 26.75inches -Favorite Color is Red -Rolling over from back to Front -Trying to crawl but cant figure out that the arms have to be in FRONT -Thinks sleeping is keeping Mom and Dad up all night again - Gets so excited to see herself in the mirror...or on the iPhone -LOVES sweet potatoes and squash -Hates Peas -Likes being the center of attention...hmm. -Likes Lights -Giggles when she thinks we are funny. Not just when tickled -Found her umm "outside voice" - Still LOVES outside -No teeth yet but lots of drool -Sitting up. Still a little wobbly but doing really well -Tongue MUST be out at all times -Eyes will be forever BLUE! LOVE! -Caught your first cold -Feet=Tasty treat. Almost as good as fingers -Thinks it hilarious when We eat your fingers or toes -Likes when we sing "found a peanut" or "if you are happy and you know it clap your hands" -Love books and to be read to
And for a few of my favorites from her photo sessions...
There are so many more...I may sprinkle them in random posts. But for now I think that might have been a bit overwhelming of Lily pics! ha ha.