Well why not? Let's think about it. It is a TON of effort to drag all the decorations out right? So why not get as much enjoyment out of them as you can? Its probably best to wait until after at LEAST my bday which is tomorrow. But I could not help myself and my mom called me out in her post :) So I am admitting it. Dan and I both LOVE Christmas and this year we will be spending it with family in Reno. So I thought it would be fun to decorate now. This is also the first time we have had a "real/fake" tree. I have always been against them but we found a tree that cost a small fortune and actually looks like a noble fir. And it means I can put up the tree whenever I want (NOW!). ha ha. I had already started working on Christmas presents in Aug figuring it would take me until Dec to finish and is looking like I was right. It takes 10 times longer for me to do anything with this little munchkin. And someday hopefully soon she will start sleeping good again and then we will be back on track. Zombie Family is no fun.
So no judging...just be jealous! Here is a pic of our tree this year AND my first wrapped present. Got to have a theme!