My Daughter is S.P.O.I.L.E.D! Yup. An iphone, computer and now an ipad. What 8 month old has that many gadgets? Well its true. You saw the phone case in a previous post and I am giving her my old iphone to put in it so he will "hopefully" leave ours alone. And this past weekend at Dan's work party I won an ipad! Yup...WON! I was so excited. For those of you who dont know Dan and I both used to have an ipad but Dan ummm....well.....Lost...Um LEFT his on an airplane so he stole mine. Not nice. But we didnt want to spend money on another one at that time. Lily LOVES playing on his ipad so now with my big win I will share with Lily. When I brought the gift home Lily was cracking us up...She knew it was hers! Here are a couple not so good shots I snagged (it was dark, late and an iphone! LOL)
My big prize was won playing BlackJack! Im awesome! LOL