Gma is taking a trip to Lilyville for little Lily’s 1st Birthday party celebration on April 21st!
Pretty excited! I missed out on her Easter AND for some ‘crazy” reason my little Easter gift package has not arrived in Portland for Lily, I am not happy about this at all. I will have to make up for this when I arrive for her party next week. I am getting there a few days early to participate in on all the plans, shopping, baking decorations, setting up, etc, fun, right? I am really, really looking forward to it. It’s still a little hard to believe that a whole year will have passed since her early arrival. That trip was more than a little stressful; this trip will be full of fun for Lily and all her friends and family.
Gma is hoping to be able to take Lily shopping for some shoes since walking is eminent. Her Mommy says she is always barefoot, ok Mommy; she is not Pebbles Flintstone, so shoes here we come. I do know that it for some reason it is very hard to get shoes on little ones feet, and if you manage that feat,(really, no pun intended), then keeping said shoes on little feet is a major accomplishment as well. This should be fun.
6 more days, and I’m there!
Teri Troke- Lily's Gma