This is Me.
Welcome back. Long time no see. Right? Oops. Its been MONTHS. I'm a bit embarrassed but let's be honest. Life happened. And when life happens I have to pluck away at the smaller things as I physically and mentally can not do it all. I am sad that my blog is one of the things that I let slip away but unfortunately that is what happens. I have so much to share though and its been building up. So its time to sit down and work on some posts as I am able to.
First up. If you are not already following my instagram account follow @blissstudiopdx I am in mid process of giving it a makeover trying to update it with both life and Bliss. While I still use facebook I do have a love for insta as its platform is based solely around photos. Be sure to say HI if you are following!
““May you live a life you love””
This is Me.
It is not often you will find me in front of the camera even though I am married to a photographer. I needed a new updated photo of me so I "mostly" cooperated with my husband and somehow he managed to get a shot that I was happy with. And that is not for lack of his photo skills...I am just a pain (lucky him! LOL) I think he nailed it though don't you?
So what comes next? Since my blog was changed to Life Out Loud it is a collaboration of me and of course Bliss. You will find some personal posts as well as client posts. If you want to make sure you don't miss a blog post be sure to subscribe and you will get an email when I write a new post. As for what posts are coming up... We have some personal shares such as my kitchen remodel (if you have been following this a bit on instagram I will be making a full reveal blog post once the final pieces are complete), Stitch fix review, trip to Magnolia. What is coming up for Bliss, I have recent model sessions to upcoming dates and openings for our annual Vintage Fields and Beach trip. This is just the tip of the iceburg as my list is long and growing. I am taking it one day at a time as I really do love to blog and share with you guys! I hope you enjoy following along too and will encourage me to keep at it (this helps I promise!).
Until next time...