Urban Ballerina
It is all ballet around our house these days as both my kids and I are in an upcoming performance called "Goblin Market" this June. And yes, you totally read that right...."I" am in it. Whoa. Ha! Its been probably 15 years since I was in dance (maybe more?) and honestly I never took ballet. I was more jazz/hiphop (you know cheerleader background). I am technically taking a modern contemporary class for adults as it was the closest thing. It has been awesome and while it was slow going at first I have started picking it up a little easier and hope to continue. I have entered the dance world full force and have gained a dance family that I am very thankful for. If anyone wants more info let me know. The studio we are a part of is Abernethy Performing Arts here in Oregon City. I am sure you will see more posts or hear me talking more about it especially as the performance gets closer. Tickets will also be available soon so keep your eye out! The performance will be at West Linn High School and is going to be AWESOME!
Here is the flyer just because you should be there...
Alright, now that I have officially plugged the upcoming ballet performance that will take us right into more ballet! Dance is inspiring me. Not just because I am involved (although that helps!) but I am literally surrounded by it. My kids dance, my kids friends dance, there are rehearsals, classes etc. Dance is a beautiful art and when captured it literally leaps off the page. I had the honor of photographing Miss Kylee a couple weeks ago in downtown Oregon City. This session was completely impromptu. I had two ballerinas and a gymnast at my house and was not going to let that go without photos! (more posts coming soon...dont worry!). So I grabbed the girls and we headed into town to see what I could capture.
““Ballet is like dreaming on your feet.””
I wanted to tell a story. So I started with the shoes. I love this super simple BW shot of her pointe shoes. There is a story in this don't you think? The tattered pointe shoes bringing to life the hard work this ballerina has put in to dance.
I decided to photograph her session primarily in black and white. I wanted to really focus on story telling images. There is a softness to the black and whites that fit so well in the Urban Setting.
My final share is my favorite and also the WINNER of a giveaway that I entered to win a Metal Print. It was an exciting win that my friends/family/clients helped make happen. I wanted to thank everyone who voted and helped make this win a reality. The metal print will be gifted to Kylee and her family! And seriously....This photo is going to be AMAZING printed on metal.
Thank you to Kylee for modeling for me and really making the magic in these photos. While this girl is taking a break from ballet, I hope that these will remind her how talented she is and no matter what to Always Dance!
More soon...