I don't know if Im going to make this self inflicted challenge of posting everyday for 30 days! LOL. Today is Day Three and I "almost" missed it. It was a busy day. Shooting, Sales sessions (work), Getting kids to daycare and such....Not home until just a bit ago. I will also say ironically this is Day Three of no sleep for our house. Lennox was a PIA for two days in a row. Last night he was an angel. But guess what? It was Lily's turn. For the LOVE OF GOD! She was up from 12-4am. Yup thats right. Kill us now. I can't make it past three days of no sleep before I became irrational and a complete Zombie. So while Im trying to remember how much I love these two kids Im off to bed now to hopefully get some sleep before the crazies keep me up (INSERT MAD FACE HERE). Good thing they are cute right?
PS. Somebody save me.