
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Blog Challenge-Day Four

Well here we are day four. Im living the dream. Or Im living in a dream. Hmmm. Im thinking that my challenge is back firing. We are on Day Four of ZERO SLEEP. And last night was by far the WORST of all four days. Cause instead of just one kid...we had one up from 12-3 and one up from 3-5 and then the first one up at 6 and 7. Oh yeah. Im pretty sure Im sleep walking at this very moment. I remember nothing about this day. And I am certain my husband is even worse off as he had to work today. Joy. Remind me why this is so fun? Please someone? Im ready to ship both my kids to grandmas for a week. :) Β Get a little of my sanity back...ha ha.  

So lets see....Rather than complain this entire post I wanted to at least share my funny for the day. One aspect of our new house that I don't necessarily love is the fact that our laundry room is downstairs. I love the room (which doubles as a mudroom) as its much better than what we had before. But hauling laundry downstairs is for the birds. So instead. We have our own special Laundry Chute.


Isn't it fabulous? Always best to make sure no one is walking by when you are throwing clothes over the side....unless you need a laugh "bombs away". Its slightly fun....and makes a huge mess...but its a short shove to the laundry room so it works. However if someone would like to figure out how I can get an actual laundry shoot in my house...Now that would be FABULOUS. Β On a side note: How the hell can four people create so much freaking laundry? Especially when two are LITTLE! ha ha. I do have to remember that my little fashionista (well when she is wearing clothes I suppose) likes to change no less than three times in a day. Its gotten so bad that it gets a little hard to tell/remember what she wore or just wore for a second. So when in doubt into the laundry it goes. So I am pretty sure she is creating at LEAST one extra load with all her stuff. Silly Lily. The good news is that she does enjoy helping do laundry (she is nuts). I just need to get her to fold/put away and life would be perfect right?

Heres to hoping we sleep tonight. If not Ill be freakin drinking beer at 3am. Cause its the only thing that will save my children. ha ha ha ha

~Me (excuse any grammar or bad language in this post. I haven't slept in four days. I become more of a monster than usual with no sleep. You have been warned!)

Blog Challenge Day 5- THEY SLEPT!

The Kids. (Day Three)