
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Family Photo Challenge

Family Photo Challenge

Someone said to me today that they were busy and bored all at the same time. I busted out laughing. Pretty much how I feel right now too. We are keeping busy but then there is some boredom too. Especially, when it comes to the kids whom expect a constant cruise director. So, to keep them occupied earlier this week we set up a family photo shoot in the studio. Selfie Style. We have an entire series of these that we will share BUT I wanted you guys to play along too.

This week the theme is Black & White. I don’t mean a Black & White photo I mean the color (or lack of) black and white. Search all over your house for the most creative outfits and props you can find that fit the color theme. The crazier the better. My kids LOVED this part. We had all our clothes and props laid out on the floor as we found things. This was literally a good hour of clean fun for them….then came the shoot! We got all ready and set up a camera to take photos every 3 seconds while we posed. The entire thing was hilarious. You would hear the click and all four of us would re-pose. Click. Pose. Click. Pose. (#trained).

Bliss Photo Challenge

Take a family selfie wearing the theme “Black & White”. You will not be judged on your photography so don’t stress on that. Use your phone….put it on self timer or selfie mode and take a photo. You will be judged on your creativity though so BE CREATIVE. Once you have your winning photo share it on instagram, tag me Bliss Studio and use the hashtag #blissphotochallenge If you do not have instagram, you can still play just tag me on facebook or email me if you are not on any social media. (and Ill send you a link on how to join the social world-LOL). If you do not have kids, feel free to use your pets, or just grab your significant other if you have one. Remember this is SELFIE style. You will need to be in the photo too!

If I get 10+ families to play I will offer up a prize to a winner. The prize will be a gift card from a local business. If you are not local I’ll still send you something, don’t fret. This is also open to any friend, client, family member…ANYONE. I just want a fun family activity for you guys and hope that you have fun playing. I will have help on the judging so there is no playing favorites.

You have until Monday, May 4th to enter with this theme. Next week it will be a new color! I am excited to share our photos from that soon!

Good Luck and Have fun!

Bliss Studio Update

Bliss Studio Update

Maintaining Sanity

Maintaining Sanity